This is to confirm you are a student of an eligible college. You will have to enter your name, university, email, country, and also upload the soft copy of your identification card. Once you are on the page, fill the form by the right side to sign up. Once on the page, scroll down and click on the “ Download PSPICE student version”. The first step will be to go to the PSPICE academic website. You can easily download the PSPICE 9.1 student version. Furthermore, you can also use PSPICE in the simulation of complex mixed-signal designs which has digital and analogue parts in supporting models like pulse width modulators, IGBTs, DACs, and ADCs. You will be able to understand circuit performance and relationships with various design scenarios and analyses. When you download PSPICE as a student, you will have access to tools that are used by engineers. The student version of PSPICE 9.1 is available to be downloaded for free. Students can download and install the software so as to gain knowledge of important simulator tools. PSPICE also integrates with Cadence PCB schematic entry solutions. The software comes with a simple graphical interface that gives users the platform to solve any design challenge they want virtually. Personal Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis is a complete analogue simulator that has support for digital elements. We will give you tips on how to download and install PSPICE. They will be able to use it for their projects and lab work. With the student version of PSPICE 9.1, students will have access to the complete academic suite.

The software has been offering students a free version to aid their learning process and equip them with all they need to succeed. PSPICE consist of lots of tools that will launch them towards academic success. Engineering students can get this software to gain the knowledge they will need to excel in the professional world. The PSPICE software is a simulator that is useful in designing and testing the behaviour of circuits. SPICE is an acronym that stands for Simulation Program for Integrated Circuit Emphasis. In this post, I will guide you on how you can download PSPICE 9.1 student version.